讲座题目:循证实践(Evidence-Based Practice)
主讲人: 金敏燮 (香港中文大学社会工作系助理教授)
时 间: 2015年12月25日(周五)下午14:30
主讲人简介:金敏燮博士毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚大学,是香港中文大学社会工作系助理教授。他的研究兴趣及范畴包括低收入家庭儿童、青少年发展、儿童福利、工作与家庭平衡、贫穷及福利程序评估、量性研究方法。重点出版著作有Parental nonstandard work schedules, parent-child communication, and adolescent substance use (in press);
Socio-contextual determinants of research evidence use in public-youth systems of care (in press);
Foster youth & social support: The first RCT of independent living services(2015);
Public assistance receipt among older youth exiting foster care (2014);
Risk-taking and self-regulation:
A systematic review of the analysis of delinquency outcomes in the juvenile justice intervention literature 1996-2009(2013)。
讲座简介:This seminar will introduce the concept of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP),
defined as a process in which social workers integrate best research evidence with clinical expertise and client values.
The seminar will also discuss how to implement EBP, with a focus on barriers to adopting and implementing EBP in Chinese contexts.
Finally, the presenter will demonstrate effective and efficient ways to locate best research evidence online.